Margarine has grown in popularity in recent years. Therefore, the consumption of Margarine was more than the butter oil in many countries. This is the reason of an increase in margarine production as well as different available kinds of margarine. On the other hand, this variation might lead to a confusion and difficulty in making decision for consumers. In the following, we review the important points for buying a Margarine.
Although the lower amount of lipid in vegetable oils indicate the lower calories, it is not applicable for every objects. Vegetable oils are suitable for salads or breakfast, and some raw applications but it is banned for frying.
Semi-saturated or Unsaturated
The first important subject for buying a vegetable oil is the amount of semi-saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. They should be more than the saturated ones. the more semi-saturated and unsaturated fatty acids mean the better kind of oil. The saturated fatty acids attract in a different manner during the metabolism which could enhance the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is important to note that the amount of semi-saturated and unsaturated fatty acids should be twice than the saturated ones. this ratio indicates the healthy product and an appropriate ratio of fatty acids.
Low Trans
Trans oils are dangerous for healthy and particularly for heart. In the other way, some of the vegetable oils have high level of trans fatty acids. It means that despite the positive effect of vegetable oils on decreasing the cholesterol level, they could be harmful for consumer’s healthy because of their high level of trans oils. So notice to the amount of trans oils in the products and choose the low level ones. these indications are tagged on the label of products. The manufacturers are responsible to aware consumer about this information under the license of health organization.
Lack of Cholesterol
Lack of cholesterol in vegetable oil is a suitable benefit for consuming margarine which is dependent on the origin of oil. It is possible that one kind of oil has cholesterol because of its ingredients. So when you buy a vegetable oil or margarine, notice to select the cholesterol-less one.
Plant Sterol
Plant Sterol is a kind of phytosterol which has a similar structure to cholesterols and Steroids. This material is available in vegetable oils and attend in a competition with cholesterol because of the similarity in the structure. This competition leads to a decrease in the adsorption of cholesterol in the body.
Artificial dyes
In addition to the mentioned points, it is important to note that the vegetable oil has natural dyes in its structure. These dyes are called β-carotenes. Despite the presence of natural dyes, some manufacturers use artificial dyes in their products which are obviously harmful for the healthy. So make sure that the natural dyes were used in the given vegetable oil.
The amount of sodium in the vegetable oil is another important parameter. This material is present because of the using of salt in producing of butter. So, if you feel that the butter is sour, it might be probable that the amount of sodium is high and you should be more cautious for consuming it.
Some producers add vitamins to the vegetable oil in order to improve them. These vitamins are usually A and D. Margarines with added vitamins are more beneficial products.
Finally, it should be noticed that the vegetable oils are not better than the butter oils, actually. For example, a vegetable oil with high level of trans fatty acids, could be more dangerous than the butter oils. Thus, do not think that the vegetable oils are better than butter oils in every aspect. It is better to notice to the producer, kind of Margarine and other mentioned parameters.